Professional Public Relations is one of the most vital components of any business. Done well, Public Relations breathes life into your business, your brand and your message. Most people think they know a little of what it is, and most businesses know they need it, they just don’t know how to go about it.
Get It Across PR and Communications knows exactly how to go about it.
Its title is its mission
Good PR paints the picture better than any paintbrush. It tells the story of your business and who doesn’t like a success story.

About Me
Former Journalist Sally McEllistrim has managed the Public Relations requirements of International and Irish Charities as well as leading Irish businesses during a successful career in PR.
You mightn’t see her in the media but you’ll definitely see her clients.
Intelligent, relevant pitches translate into high profile and hugely valuable coverage across all media outlets.
Clients regularly feature on all national and regional broadcast, print and online media.
Get It Across PR and Communications is getting their message across.