Case StudiesJames Cluskey

James Cluskey is a former Irish Tennis Pro. He now heads up his own company ‘High Calibre Collective’ and is Richard’s Branson’s Personal Tennis Coach.
He came to me on foot of a recommendation from another client to publicise his first book, ‘Advantage ; Lessons from Sport and Business to Achieve Your Goals’.
Get It Across PR and Communications’ pitched the story to business, sports and lifestyle Press who covered the launch of Advantage widely.
Much of this was done through really important high profile interviews with James.
He featured on prime slots like Newstalk’s ‘Down To Business’, RTE’S ‘Reignite’, Sunday Independent ‘Waking Hours’, Sunday Independent ‘Me and My Money’, as well as full page pieces in the Irish Sun and Irish Mirror together with several interviews on the very important regional broadcast media ,including Highland Radio, LM/FM and Midland’s Radio 3.