Case StudiesLove mo chuisle

‘Love Mo Chuisle’ is a luxury heritage tweed brand founded by Designer Anna Dobson.
Again while the company was up and running for some time the media was not aware of it!
Spending time with Anna, I got her back story and knew there were several hooks I could use for a successful PR campaign.
This time I organised a mail drop for the key fashion Journalists and Stylists. As well as the all important introductory press release, the packs included a small sample from the range; Tweed hair bands for children.
Get It Across PR and Communications secured very high profile and valuable media coverage.
Fashion angles
For both Women’s and men’s magazines . Featured in Mail on Sunday , Futura, RTE Guide, Image, The Gloss, Social and Personal , Irish Tatler Man , Irish Tatler, Agriland to name just a selection.
Lifestyle ‘Waking Hours’
Full page in the glossy magazine. This offered huge reach given it is the largest selling Sunday paper in the country. Anna got hugely positive feedback from this and very valuable exposure.
Business Angle
Again I managed to interest the ‘Sunday Independent’ in the brand, Anna’s story and plans for growth. She was covered in the ‘Local Hero’s’ spot which was a full page in the ‘Sunday Independent’. This PR is hugely coveted and was a massive boost to her brand.
Human interest angle
These are really important and usually generate interest from Journalists, as well as column inches. ’Farmers Journal’ has a magazine insert, Irish Country, and I pitched the idea of interviewing Anna given she is a rurally based operator and set up a business following a traumatic separation and three kids. The Journalist saw the merit in the angle for her readers and agreed to run a piece which was spread over two pages. Irish Country is hugely popular ,having some 247,000 readers both in its print and online offerings.

Local media
Given that Anna had lived in Donegal and sourced her tweed there, I did up another press release aimed at the local media in Donegal, in which she spoke of the beauty of Donegal tweed and her dreams for the brand…covered in all the locals there.
As her business is based there she was interviewed widely in the Wicklow press. I also picked out the counties where her brand was stocked for example county Clare and circulated a tailor made release for the regional media there.
RTE Nationwide
I pitched it to this programme who took several shots of her stand at ‘Showcase’ which helped hugely with recognition and presence.
‘Get it Across PR and Communications’ really gave ‘life’ to this brand ,introducing it to Journalists and pitching it in such a way that it made for interesting stories for their readers and listeners.